Peace, Love, and Jams


Friday, October 10, 2008

Literally...developing memories!



Some people who read this might know that I'm in a photography class at school.

and you probably know how much i absolutely love photography.... I went to visit my sister Brianne in Fort Collins quite a few weeks ago, and while i was there i had a photo assignment. And being the very nice and loving sister that she is, Brianne took me around the town for a bit to take some pick-a-tours. Then about a week after that i got my next photo assignment.

I am a student at Thomas B. Doherty High School. And my high school had a homecoming spirit week the week i got home from Brianne's house. the first day was hat day...tuesday was toga day...wednesday was PJ day...thursday was decades day...and finally, wonderful friday spartan blue and green
day! which includes the DHS auto show. that was my next cars cars annnddd cars.

In this class we develope our own film. and we make our own contact sheets and test strips and prints. i happen to think the process is fun, a love seeing my pictures turn out.
I decided that im going to develope most of my pictures, well, the ones that are kinda sweet. it might take me a while to get them on the computer, because we print them ourselves. I'll try to scan them on as quick as i can so you guys can see what they look like. they're all black and white, because its easier to develope and print black and white film in a school class thats only 45 minutes everyday.

soooooo im excited to see what you think, and excited to find out what the rest of my pictures will look like. talk to you soon!


La Profa said...

You've been tagged. Come to my blog; read my questions, then answer them yourself on your blog. Fun!

La Profa said...

Hola Ky-boo. Are you coming to town with Brianne and Brandon when they come?

love ya!